13 Mar 2018

Myths and Facts about ADHD

Those of us who are diagnosed or have children who are diagnosed with ADHD know that numerous myths about ADHD have been circulating for many years.  Have you heard these myths before? “ADHD is not a real disorder.”  “ADHD is somebody’s fault.”  “ADHD is an excuse for poor behavior.” This chart summarizes commonly spread myths as well as facts to counteract them.  First and foremost, be assured that ADHD is a real disorder with serious consequences if not addressed.


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ADHD Myths and Facts
                              Myths                                                                                              Facts
ADHD is not a real disorder.
ADHD is a genetic based brain disorder with serious consequences if not treated. The American Psychiatric Association defines ADHD as “a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development.”
ADHD is somebody’s fault.
ADHD is not caused by poor parenting, sugar, food allergies, vaccines, or poor teachers.
Parents give their children with ADHD a pass and are too lenient with them.  If parents were stricter, their children would be better behaved.
The problem is rooted in brain chemistry, not discipline. In fact, when parents are overly strict and punish a child for things he cannot control, the symptoms can become worse.
You grow out of ADHD as a teen or young adult.
Many people do not grow out of ADHD and need strategies to cope throughout their lives. The majority of those who have ADHD in childhood continue to have it into adulthood.
Everybody has a “little ADHD”
People can have some symptoms of ADHD, like poor organization or poor focus, without having ADHD. Those diagnosed with ADHD have persistent symptoms that disrupt their lives.
If someone with ADHD can focus on one thing, she can focus on anything if she really tries.
ADHD is an interest-based nervous system. Someone with ADHD can focus intensely (hyper-focus) on something that is interesting. The same person may find it impossible to focus at all on something that is not interesting. It’s not that they won’t focus; they can’t focus.
Some kids are just lazy, and ADHD is an excuse.
There are biological reasons for behavior, and some associated with ADHD are focus, motivation, impulse control, planning, and organization, all which work together to help people get things done.
We can manage ADHD symptoms on our own.
The lives of people with ADHD can improve greatly by seeking help.  Professional interventions, such as coaching, tutoring, behavior modification therapy, and drug therapy are appropriate treatments.
ADHD does not usually occur with other conditions.
Up to 2/3 children with ADHD have one or more coexisting conditions such as learning disabilities, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and sleep disorders.
               Cheryl Gedzelman, President, Tutoring For Success
                    ADHD Resource Group of Northern Virginia http://www.adhdnova.org

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